Learn With Me

Introducing my newest Online Natural Health Community,

Life In Nature

Through the sharing of ancient wisdom we can create more conscious, curious individuals looking to return back to our natural ways of living. In the community you will recieve access to dozens of hours of education covering herbalism, healing one’s self, gardening, mental and spiritual alignment.

Check out why I started a community to begin with!

The Start of My Healing Journey

I am more than a Thought Leader, Speaker, Healing Guide, Health Revolutionary, Plant Medicine Alchemist. My story starts in Tampa, Florida in 1995 to a couple of young Puerto Rican parents. I grew up loving hip hop and football like the average latino from the south in the 90’s. Every summer we went to Puerto Rico as a kid where I was exposed to the natural side of life. Acres of green, Coqui's at night, playing in the rivers, driving to town to sell the plantains. Although I was a city boy the love of nature was always in my spirit.

It is safe to say my mind and awareness was awaken at a young age due to the injustices I’ve experienced, being exposed to music, videos, people who had “F the MAN” type of energy it was written for me to eventually start my own revolution, it just so happens to be with plants. While on my hospital bed I was introduced to Alfredo Bowman AKA Dr. Sebi. A beautiful black man who taught the natural way to vitality. Although I do not follow nor preach his teachings he provided a spark to my light down this path where experience and creativity took over to provide my own spin on things which is what make people like Mr. Bowman and I and many other natural healers so great and important in this world.

The start of my story goes back to childhood with the traumas I’ve faced, the start of my healing journey started after all my decisions caught up with me the day I was admitted to the hospital.

I was left undiagnosed, in pain, not knowing what to do or how to fix what I was going through. I passed out from pain in the ER from what the doctors say was "a sac of fluid the size of a water bottle".

One by one would come by and explain how they've never seen a case like mine or how it may be a benign tumor. Too many know this feeling.

The universe works in symbols though. Sadly they aren't all the most positive. If the pain and agony wasn't enough, the universe threw in a curve ball to make sure it stuck to me.

On the day of being admitted to the ER, in an open area of beds separated by just curtains, a doctor walked into the "room" next to mine and explained to a couple that the man was diagnosed with cancer .. The woman's scream still haunts me to this day when I think about it. My partner and I were quiet, still, crying and probably praying.

I spent weeks in the hospital, bed ridden, reading, watching and learning all I could about health determined to figure out what was wrong with me and more importantly how it happened. Soon after leaving the hospital I realized that what I was suffering with was caused from my own actions.

I was responsible for the damage that was caused to my body. That was enough motivation for me to want to help others avoid that route of suffering.


  • Educated thousands around the world

  • Built a 300k+ community on Tik Tok in under a year

  • Built a 6 figure herbal company in it's first year that is family owned and operated.

  • Reached 10 million views in more than a dozen countries.

  • Lover of hip-hop, fruits, basketball, the earth, herbs and the freedom of all minds

  • Father, Husband, Health Revolutionary, Herbalist, Entrepreneur, Thought leader

  • Puerto rican from Tampa, Florida now residing on the west coast.

  • Opened one of the first ever latino and independently owned Online Natural Health Communities


The Start Of My Herbal Journey

My journey started like everyone else's, through curiosity. I was originally introduced to herbs for healing purposes by my partner turned wife and mother of my children. I was suffering from upset stomachs and did not have a remedy, she introduced me to a blend called Moroccan Mint Tea and from the first sip I was hooked! Funny story, I thought it was an actual mint from Morocco! Wouldn’t you? Turns out it was a caffeinated herbal mix that just had some mint.

I chose to explore more herbs after my time in the hospital and I became very passionate about all the different herbs in the world, across all cultures and ancient medicinal practices and how our ancestors worked with them and what they can do to the human body. It is safe to say that I became a student to the game.

I watched every lecture and documentary I could. Read and listened to multiple books. Started reading research papers for the first time along with a dictionary & encyclopedia to learn what the words in those studies even meant. Down the line my journey I swerved away from the modern medicine route. I took what would be considered a leap of faith in this modern world and went back to my roots to trust their wisdom. I found elders and ancestors like Alfredo bowman, Patrick Delves, Honorable Priest Kailash, Robert Morse, Arnold Ehret. Great herbalists and educators who helped me learn more about our bodies and our plant allies not to mention the spiritual aspect of life.

Over all the research the most important step for me to take was self experimentation and fully embody the role of a herbalist and healer by healing my own self first. I knew that in order to truly know the herb and their spirit I could not simply just read but I must share an experience with them.

It's the same as getting intimate and exchanging energy with a partner, family, friend.

I believed they carried an intelligence and wisdom that could become one with ours. The next several years I would go on an adventure of trying all the herbs I could find in person or online or in the wild!

After many positive reactions, several debilitating ones, I was able to take control of my life and health.

Seeing pains in my lower back (kidneys) start to disappear, anxiety fade away, ankles and knees getting stronger (thyroid/parathyroid), things work like they used to (inflamed prostate), lifelong acne quickly fading away, eyesight restoring to the point where I put away my glasses for good, I became not just a believer but a walking, breathing advocate for the beauty in and around plants and herbal healing.

It became a mission to share information with others to assist in their healing. I believe we all deserve it. I've spent almost everyday learning something new about plants and the way this world operates and plan on doing so until I pass onto my next adventure.

My favorite thing about Herbal healing is the spiritual aspect it entails. Books and videos, courses and diplomas can only scratch the surface of this multidimensional practice.

Through the heart is where it can be felt, Through the plants it can be learned.

Book an appointment.

Let’s start this journey together!


What is included?

A one-on-one call allows for a deeper understanding of your unique situation. More than just a one-off call, our meeting will include a hand typed lifestyle guide for you to follow. The goal is to provide direction and EMPOWERMENT so you can start your journey with clarity and simplified guidance!

  • During the 1 hour call your history will be broken down in order for a lifestyle plan that is unique to the current state of body & mind. This includes meal plan and herbs to purchase. So bring a pen and paper!

  • A plan will be spoken to you including recommendations for not just your physical body but also emotional and mental balance as well. From colors and stones to physical exercises and affirmations there are many ways to shift your energy.

  • After 1 month a 30 minute follow up call can be scheduled for an updated recommendation on your journey!

  • After the call is complete you will receive a unique discount for Life The Plant Way that is good for a whole YEAR!



  • - Marilyn -

    "Words would never be enough to thank you for what you did for my child and piece of mind.

    It took little over a month to receive my child evaluation and I'm happy to say with tears in my eyes that he pass.

    He will no longer be consider at risk for being Autistic or even be on the spectrum. He will continue to receive speech therapy but even his teachers have noticed a huge improvement in his speech. I mean the things this boy says now.

    He communicates his needs in WORDS it used to he just by pointing at things.

    Thank you for giving my child his own voice. I will forever be grateful."

  • - Missy -

    "Hi Joseph good afternoon! I won't to tell you that I have been following your diet plan all last month and just yesterday I got my first positive pregnancy test!

    Thank you for your videos and advice!"

More Testimonials

"l took a chance on natural healing because I knew I needed help.

I was extremely overweight, lethargic and lazy with no energy, anemic, struggling with kidney stones for over 3 years that left me with flank pain every day.

I had severe inflammation in my face, and hands. I also had an unhealthy obsession over highly processed junk food and of course fast food was easy to pick up for being a mom of four. But it left me with constant bloating, heartburn, gas, and wasn't eliminating/voiding as often as I should have been.

I took all of these products along with a few others to start healing from the inside out, and within 73 days, I lost a good 40 pounds.

I started off reading the e-book to completely gain an understanding about how our bodies work, and how one damaged organ can hurt the other to cause specific diseases.

The e-book included a 21- day transition guide (super detailed and easy to follow schedule) that I followed religiously with discipline. The first 2 weeks were THE HARDEST, of my life. I broke down to realize that I Absolutely needed this, and if I gave up, I'd hurt my body, not heal it.

The gut cleanser formula was amazing!!! It gently helped eliminate back up waste, and I no longer felt bloated or had stomach/intestinal cramping after eating.

The kidney tincture helped soothe my flank pain, eventually stopping the pain I was left with after surgeries I had. I noticed my inflammation completely went away in my face and in my hands specifically.

I was able to wear my rings again! The anxiety tincture helped me relax in the afternoon, and wake up well rested in the mornings!

Taking all of these products along with a plant based diet has changed my life completely.

I'm genuinely a happier person.

And I am thankful for all of the knowledge I gained reading the ebook, and questions that were answered during the beginning process of this journey!

*Don't think about it, just buy it, and apply discipline, you won't regret it!"

- Viviana -


Contact me.

Feel free to ask any question you may have about what you can experience during our call. Have an invite or collaborative opportunity send it through this form.

*Note: No advice or plans will be given out with email responses. Email responses will not be immediately given and could take a couple of days so practice patience and respect my time as I respect yours.

Los Angeles, California